Interaction &
Visual Design

We capture the elements of human behavior that trigger emotional responses
and incorporate them into a powerfully compelling product design.

Interaction & Visual Design

Going deep into the mind of a user, we explore the interactions the user takes between devices, apps, and other physical experiences such as shopping in-store. We explore personas, identities, and goal/task driven activities. With well-aligned activities for each persona and use-case, we can then begin a visual design cycle to help previsualize the ideal product.

We explore the dimensions that affect user interaction for each persona as simple as words, visual representations, physical objects, and time — and we graph this against the goal-oriented design to identify areas of hard mental operations, premature committment, error-proneness, and consistency to help ensure we build proper underpinnings for affective interaction with the product.

Armed with these insights we then delve into visual design, capturing Gestalt psychology and visual perception of key elements including color, image, and symbol to arrive at the most effective visual communication possible. Overlaying your brand look & feel, we then develop mocks and prototypes of the product's visual design.